Cheap food recipes
Every day in this world personal finances are not enough for gourmet meals, that’s why we present you with alternatives of economical food recipes that your family is sure to love.
Make your family happy, without spending too much!
Food recipes for saving
Chicharron in green sauce
The chicharron is green sauce is a dish that besides being rich is cheap, you can fall in love with that spicy flavor with that unique texture of the chicharron. you can accompany it with some beans from the pot.
Chicken in red sauce
If you can’t find these dried chiles you can change them for Chilacate, Guajillo, Pasilla. Or whatever you like since they are only for color.
Beans with potatoes
We recommend you to prepare now this incredible recipe of green beans with potatoes because it is a delicious combination.
Adobo de Puerco (pork marinade)
Adobo de puerco is very popular in Mexico, especially in the northern regions. It consists of pork chunks bathed in a red adobo (chile) prepared with some chile blends and where the guajillo chile is the main ingredient, it is usually complemented with red rice.
Cilantro Chicken Toast
Cilantro chicken tostadas are a basic dish in the kitchen because it is easy and economical, it is like preparing enchilada sauce, it has that spicy touch characteristic of that type of sauce but with chicken, and is complemented with lechiga cheese and avocado.